Actor Shah Rukh Khan does not comply with the international film awards, taking place in Toronto Roger Centre on Saturday night.
Presidency sources also confirmed that a special meeting calledafter it was reported that the Shah had recommended Shah Rukh has dance show. Shah Rukh had previously tweeted a couple of dancesteps, given to him because of his knee.
"We have been told that Shah Rukh does not want to dance. He will be on stage to greet the audience and talk, but she can not dance. Shiamak (Davar responsibility, choreographer) has beeninformed. He makes all the dancers, dancing on stage Shah Rukh,"says organizer.
Sources said that the medical team has been kept standby Shah Rukh and there is a waiting ambulance at the time of its appearance.

"My knee has been cast, how many tendons are torn and his left knee in the region, not better. He does not bend the knee or evenstand it is advisable to take help of several hours.He a crutch, look at what he does, says organizer Meanwhile, sources say that the whole area of the first class section was issued, and the other passengers to make room for Shah Rukh and keep your privacy.Shah Rukh is a co-passenger on the plane veteran actorDharmendra.
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